Regatta Run & Walk FAQs

Get answers to the most commonly asked questions about the Regatta Run/Walk event.

Are kids 12 and under free? Do they need to register?

Yes, all kids 12 and under are FREE! If they are interested in receiving a race shirt and race bib for timing purposes, then they would need to pay the registration fee. However, we only offer shirt sizes down to a Youth Large. We also encourage kids from ages 4-12 to participate in the quarter-mile kids fun run. There is a free registration option on the registration site, so we can get a better head count of kids participating.

Can I register in person?

We highly encourage all participants to register online prior to the event, but in-person registration is available at both the race packet pickup event at Road Runner Sports in Tualatin as well as on race day morning beginning at 7:30am. Please arrive early if you are registering in person on race day. The cost is $45 (cash or card).

When is the race packet pickup event?

The race packet pickup event will be held on Thursday, October 17 from 12 to 7pm at Road Runner Sports in Tualatin.

What if I am unable to attend the race packet pickup event?

No problem! If you are unable to attend the race packet pickup event on the Thursday prior to race day, you can still pick up your race shirt and bib on race day morning beginning at 7:30am at the registration booth.

What time does the event start?

The Regatta Run and Walk will begin promptly at 9am on Sunday, October 20. Runners will be sent off first followed by walkers. There will also be a quarter-mile kids fun run prior to the race at 8:45am. The registration booth opens at 7:30am.

Where do I park on race day?

There are several parking lots available. After unloading, we are encouraging participants and volunteers to park at one of the two lots on SW Boones Ferry Road: the Oregon Nurses Association Building (18965 SW Boones Ferry Road) or the Medical Office Building on the corner of Tualatin Road and SW Boones Ferry Road (across from the VFW Matthew Lembke Hall). Both parking lots have paths to Tualatin Community Park. There are also limited parking spots available at the Juanita Pohl Senior Center for those who arrive early. If you arrive later, you may need to park at the WES lot near the old Haggen Shopping Center and walk down to the park. The parking lot next to the Parks and Rec Building along the Tennis courts is reserved for unloading only.

Can I still receive my shirt after the event has concluded?

We cannot typically accommodate shipping you your shirt or arranging for pick up after the event. Shirts need to be picked up at the race packet pickup event on Thursday before the race or on race day morning.

Do you offer refunds?

Once the event has concluded, we cannot offer refunds for any reason.